Pedro Garcia and his crew at Cafe Racer Dreams worked right through labour-day on their latest creation to put most of the finishing touches on their muscular BMW Boxer-based Scrambler/Beast, dubbed the MaxBoxer aka CRD#14.
I love the super-short tail and long travel suspension combination and of course the CRD livery designed by Alex Ramon Mas turns engineering beauty in branded art.
Beemers are becoming a really popular base for a lot of recent scrambler & custom projects - as they're pretty plentiful, easy to work on, and create reliable daily rides, - but I'm constantly impressed how individually they can turn out to be from each other, from the cafe racer's turned out by Kevils to the brutish urban scramblers coming out of Untitled Motorcycles.
...Probably not quite what BWM had in mind when they massed produced these workhorses.
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