Ryan Wall from Brisbane, Australia is the less wrinkled half of a father and son duo working towards opening a custom bike shop; they've already experienced accolade with a very well executed, BMX-style Kawasaki KH100. Wall Snr is the silent partner, offering skills and advice, but stands closer to the door in case things go tits up.

The donor is CBX750 from 1985, gifted to Ryan by his girlfriend after a client came over all philanthropic. Knowing the new toy would impart a sizeable rift in their relationship, she selflessly pressed ahead and got her priorities in order. Some people get all the luck, where are the girls like this in the bars that I frequent?

Inspired by the abundance of trackers being built in recent years Ryan knew that this riding position and style would float his boat and deviated away from the more obvious café route. A big old four banger as a tracker, why the hell not? Why be all hunched up looking retro-cool when you can be backing-it-in to roundabouts and popping wheelies on the way out.

With CBX bolt-on parts being easier to get hold of than a ride on a unicorn Ryan had to get busy with the fabrication and think for himself, shed style. The subframe is the usual place to start and the CBX is no different with a shorter and neater structure required. A handmade fibreglass tail and saddle sit on top, with matching side panels and a number board with integrated headlights up front.

Forks are lowered internally and CB1000F swingarm reduces the wheelbase for snappier handling. CBR 900 and 600 wheels with Dunlop D616 tyres look spot on, the rubber in particular; not too knobbly, not too slick. The fuel tank is a modified Suzuki TF185 unit and frankly looks as if Ryan had commissioned the shape specifically for the build. Ryan appears to possess a talent for upcycling.

The bespoke 4-into-1 exhaust and Ramair filters surely sound epic when the CBX is on song, the stubby end can suits the bike perfectly, keeping all the visual bulk in the centre.
Ryan seems fairly humble in his abilities, and gave us just the basic info on his endeavours, despite the build taking him nearly 9 months of evenings and weekends. Hold you head high Ryan, it looks pretty good to us and we get to see a few in The Shed, the door is always open so send us pics your next bike.