CX500 Testardo
By Anthony van Someren - 13 Feb 13

Testardo means Hard-Headed, which is what many people might think of anyone who intends to take an ugly workshorse like the Honda CX500 and try to turn it into something cool and possibly even attractive to look at. oddly enough this month has seen six or seven cafe/custom CX500s come to our inbox, and they're even popping up on ebay.
It was the Wrench Monkees that first made a cool-looking CX that was publicly acknowledged, and even won some custom awards. Other people have suggested that that V-shaped engine configuration makes the Honda CX the poor-mans MotoGuzzi, but either way people are suddenly latching on to the idea of making them into something desirable.
Emporio Elaborazoni it Italy have already turned out a few unusual customs; an XJ600, a Brutish XJR1200 and a Moto Marini 3 .5 so when they sent us this CX500 we weren't at all surprised, and it looks like they've pt a lot of original thought int to the build.
Clock mounted low beside the tank keeps the bars clean and clear of unwanted clutter.
Leo, Schizzo and Dopz, describe themselves as "custom maniacs who give new life to nude & vintage motorcycles", so this CX was already right up their street.
The custom billet headlight is actually mounted into a MotoGuzzi engine cover, and is about as flush to the bars as you could get - again minimising the front profile and adding muscle to the overall look of the bike.
Stencil logo adorns the radiator. The finish on the rest of the bike is a rough polish treatment under paint.
The trademark wrench, with welded-in bolts, feature on all the Emporio Elaborazoni builds, and here it's used to attach the plate and rear lighting assembly. It is also used in the speedo bracket, gear lever, battery support and headlight mounting. The tail is fashioned from a Triumph fairing, which can be unbolted to reveal an emergency pillion seat!It's pretty clear that the guys at Emporio Elaborazoni intend to make a unique mark on the custom scene, and this build continues their work to date with a class defying build that will definitely stand out from the crowd. We look forward to seeing more from them soon!
See more of Emporio Elaborazoni's bikes HERE on The Bike Shed.