If precision engineering is your thing and the thought of a 5 axis Haas gives you a semi (or lady boner) then you need to follow Fastec Racing. The small Suffolk based outfit have become a go-to machine shop for customisers and the Fastec name has become synonymous with quality and has popular with custom builders wanting something a little different - even if there's nothing more to go on than a fag packet sketch and some rudimentary calculations.
But it's not just machining trick components for BSB teams and custom shops, Fastec build their own bikes too. Like this Ducati M600 Monster. If anyone can find a cleaner one I'll buy them lunch at the Shed personally. For the last few years Danny, Sara and the team have exhibited their bikes and components at our London show, and are very much part of the family. In fact they're currently machining our BSMC Triumph engine badges - see in store for details. They also have their own clothing and bike showroom, built on the side of their HQ - links below.
This Monster is with us at 384 Old St. and is up for sale - see the advert here.
And seeing as we now have a fab YouTube Channel to feature such banging builds, hear all about it from Fastec's frontman, Danny.
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