Not all family motorcycle businesses are run like the wall smashing, potty-mouthed Teutuls you see on a certain long running US TV series. The
French Monkeys (see what they did there) is a father and son team from Lyon, France who have collaborated on some ten builds already. And judging from the photos of each bike Lionel & Florian have a pretty good time working together.

This BMW R80 RT rolled off the Bavarian production line bound for the Gendarme, where a giant plastic fairing was installed to ensure the rider's jodhpurs remained dry during inclement weather. Obviously this was the first appendage to be removed to reveal a base for a more off-roady design.

The R series subframe benefits from a simple cut and loop, the subtle kick-up in this case deals with the potential for a Beemer to look
over-bratted with a flat plank of a seat. The guys have addressed the sometimes clumsy seat to tank interface by running the leather saddle up the tank a few inches, just like good old scramblers used to be. A healthy chunk of foam and upgraded Hagon shocks deliver a plusher ride.

Trials patterned rubber assists adhesion on the rough stuff without being over knobbly and slippery on Tarmac. Aluminium mudguards hang from custom brackets, shedding further pounds whilst looking the part.

The matt green tank is Lionel & Florian's own handiwork with their FMD logo cunningly replacing the original. A Monza cap crowns the job.

Up front a halo headlamp lights the way whilst minimal LED indicators wrap around the fork legs, just above the lower clamp. And yup, who do you go to when you want a decent mini speedo? Motogadget of course.

Anyone who has taken one of these apart will recall the bundle of wiring housed inside the stock headlight, Lionel & Florian weren't familiar with BMW's electrical spaghetti prior to this build, they certainly are now!

Rocker covers have been backdated to the more curvaceous type and the barrels painted black. The rest of the engine has been serviced thoroughly and runs stock Bings but breaths through an in-house made stainless exhaust.

Some sort of House of Pain, Michael Jackson mash-up?? We're not sure either but as long as they're having a good time building bikes, that's all that matters right?

Well, that and knowing a pretty young lady to model your handiwork. The R-series might have been reinvented a thousand times but that's all the more reason to celebrate a well executed build like this. The guys have there hands full again with four bikes on the bench, a CG 125, 2 BMW R80s and a CB 750 K.
Examples of their work can be found on French Monkeys
website and updates on current progress on