John, from Rotterdam in Holland, is a regular Shed-Head who has responded to our call to share the fruits of his labour, and were really pleased to show case his garage-built street tracker. The donor bike was a humble and rather unattractive Honda SLR 650, and John's mission was to build it on a budget. Upgrades are modest but sensible, with rear suspension sourced from an R1, CBR fork internals and a Yamaha XT aluminium tank, which is what gives it that perfect retro vibe. The exhaust was built for a Harley Davidson, and it's loud. Local builders, JC Motors, helped keep it all safe and in good order for regular road use, and everything was rebuilt from the bottom up, powder coated and repaired or replaced, with the tracker seat finished in brown leather. You can see more of the build on JC's own website. John tells us that it's a blast to ride, and it certainly looks it.