Kevils BlackJack R80
By Anthony van Someren - 28 Mar 13

To get the paint looking this rich and deep the guys mixed Ford metallic Panther Black (ooooh) with Red Pearl from the latest Ferraris. Wheels are Kevil's favourites, the standard but much-sought-after Snowflakes, powdercoated black.
To compliment the deep fire-red and black paint, the seat is upholstered in a Oxblood leather tuck and roll, matched with trendy brown grips.

And then there's the rest; upgraded brake discs, the Kevil's ally seat unit, a new top yoke, rear subframe, and the hidden battery - all you'd expect from the usual thorough job we've come to expect from this Devon workshop.
Enjoy her Russ!See more from Kevils here on The Bike Shed, or head over to their Wesbite for the lowdown on how you can get your own one of these lovely Beemers.