Kop Hill Climb
By Warwick - 27 Sep 11

On Sunday I attended yet another great car and bike event, this time Kop Hill Climb in leafy Buckinghamshire, England. At the risk of the lovely ‘Spiritista’ getting a little bored of seeing static pictures of the greatest vehicles ever made (as if you would!), I thought I’d give you a hand-picked selection to gawp at…
Love these bikes - so seventies it hurts!
Nice Brough…
My fave of the day, beautiful
Perspective makes this E-Type look tiny dunnit?
This was quite fast…
Who remembers Tony Ponds?
My mate Richard’s lovely Riley MPH
Great Scott (ha!), sounded amazing, went like the clappers! Probably the most interesting and innivative pre-war motorcycle there is. Fantastic bike.
