Buckets & Pisspots
By Anthony van Someren - 19 Jan 12

Proper retro metalflake... complimented nicely by those white grips...
This UMC branded lid sports a Bubble flipper... Awesome idea. (Get yours from Adam)
Horses or horsepower? I'm not quite sure...
Obligatory semi-naked lady in a lid - version 1 (with thanks to Deus)
Old School New from Tachibana - above and below
Someone has a serious lid fetish going on...
Pac man lives...
Flash Gordon rides a Suzuki
I really want one of these... No seriously
I can see Barry in this one
Pick yer size
Plain, simple, and just... cool.
Fulmer's Easy Rider
Bell's Ad campaign
Tim's Collection...?
Obligatory sexygirl in a helmet, version two
This is just so lovely it needs pics from every angle...
...makes me think of the Forbidden Planet...
This is just a great photo
Bell Star Roadgeek
held together by stickers...
And finally Robbie the Robot turns up...