Lay down thy pitch forks, for yes, 'tis another Bonneville. But remember the day will come, and sooner than you think, when buying a new air cooled bike will be nigh-on impossible. With Euro 4 looming in 2017, the days of simple engines are looking more increasingly like they are coming to an end. The sweet burble of a classic twin, shot down by bureaucrats who put out more hot air and noxious fumes than every bike combined.
If only there was some way to get the machines through the stringent tests laid down in law. A quick mail to a certain
'people's car' manufacturer may be of benefit (allegedly). Or perhaps, we must accept the fate of things, make the most of the time we have, and admire yet another sweet creation unencumbered by the trappings of water cooling.

While the addition of H2O brings refinement, efficiency and greater power output, it carries with it packaging complications and aesthetic complication. Particularly in the pared-down machines we so adore. Thankfully it's something this decade-old Hinckley Bonneville T100 named "Stryker" doesn't have to contend with. Put together by perennial Triumph tinkerers,
Macco Motors it's another showcase of what makes the Bonnie one of the standard bearers of modern motorcycling. With a big back catalogue of builds on various machines, a recent focus on Hinckley's finest has resulted in some cracking bikes from the Cadiz based workshop.

This bike was commisioned by a chap named Matteo, hailing from Bolzano in Italy. It's a little town close to the Alps, which sounds utterly ideal for a build such as the Stryker. As Tito and Jose of Macco pooint out:
"Every bike has a story, and every rider a story in his head for his bike". And Matteo´s plan was simple, but adventurous: The bike needed to go as well as it looked, as he would collect it personally from the Macco motors workshop and ride it home. That's a 2400 Km journey from Cadiz in the very south of Spain, crossing the Pyrenees and back to Bolzano. So the Stryker has to be able to handle Matteo's daily town riding, a countryside fling and of course the rigorous trip back to Italy. All while keeping the simplicity and quality Macco have built their reputation on.

A carb'd 2005 T100 donor bike was found, having had a cosseted life, with only 8,000 Kms on the clocks it was in perfect condition. A quick test ride back to the workshop gave the green light that all was sound and so the guys fired up photoshop to pin down the exact design and colour scheme that Matteo wanted. With a desired pallette mixing green, black and brown, there was a distinctly militaristic feel to the bike. But the colours are applied with the usual Macco flare and in such a way that the bike fits perfectly in civilian life. The Stryker name? It's taken from the Canadian armoured vehicle of which the hues are reminiscent.

The rider's cockpit has been stripped and simplified; hands now clasp Biltwell grips, mounted in turn upon Biltwell tracker bars. A classic Scrambler style headlight is tucked in close between the stanchions and the small single speedo sits in place of the larger original clocks. Pared down, functional and nothing to dilute the riding experience, as it should be. The ignition has also been relocated, fitted down below the tank on the right flank, further tidying the front end of the bike.

With the frame freshly powdered following the hoop and cleanup job, it was time to dress it. On went the rebuilt wheels, the engine with its freshly painted cases. Tightly wrapped exhausts were capped with Spark mufflers, making the most of the rumble and sway from the 865cc lump. LED turn signals, alloy footrests and new levers are just some of the small details which finish the machine.

Employing Macco Motor's own fibreglass mudguards and side panels changes the looks of the machine without drastically affecting the functionality. The worst of the roadrash is kept off the rider and the various electrical gubbins can be discretely hidden. That splendid seat, clad in ribbed brown leather compliments the olive/black/raw paintwork perfectly and she'd look right at home in or out of the city.
Keeping the Stryker rubber side down, Macco have used their tried and tested combination of progressive Hagon Nitro shocks and progressive springs up front, a vast improvement on the OEM equipment. Working in parallel with a set of Metzler Tourance tyres, the bike has the mixed condition ability Matteo so desired.

The guys were sad to wave the Stryker out of the workshop, but it was exciting the know the machine would face a significant test straight out the box. Happily, both the bike and Matteo made it home in fully functioning condition, ready for daily duties and fun in the nearby hills. Once again the photographic talents of Sergio Ibarra from Semimate have been employed to capture the bike and the somewhat unstable looking brickwork behind it. Top job.
For more of Jose and Tito's work head over to
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