Guido (MojoDuc on the
forums) grew up around exotic cars and bikes. His dad always had a few at a time, with classics like the Superseven and '56 Caddilac to a restored Morris Minor Traveller, and his dad's bikes included Harleys, Beemers and an MV gusta 800, so inevitably he turned into a pistonhead.
He rode his first bikes on private trails from age six and grew up with two wheels till he left home at 21, when he suddenly became all sensible, got married - and by the time three kids had arrived - biking was just "too dangerous" - at least it was according to his wife. ...but Guido still had the bug.
A few years later, divorce got rid of Guido's
Joy Prevention Officer and with the new freedom pass provided by the new love of his life, he got two wheels back into focus, finding himself a Ducati Sport Classic cafe racer in black with just a few miles on the clock.

A good start, but Guido had bigger ideas

The bike already had Ohlins forks, Termis and black wheels fitted, but he didn't like all the carbon, so while it sat next to his desk in the office (!) he got going on turning the bike into his own idea of perfection.

Who needs a secretary when the office ornaments are this pretty?

Old friends lent a hand, including Christian (you may remember his stunning
Guzzi - plus he has a very sorted Sport Classic) and with their help the work continued, first on small things, like bar end mirrors, pegs and tail tidies, and then they got more substantial...

Serious stopping power on a bike inspired by 1970s
...with new bodywork, like the Imola style rear end from Diopa, custom Niroxx seat unit, 999 wheels, 4p-2p Brembo oros on wavey discs, new paint with old-school Ducati logos, custom tail chop he designed himself with Oberon lighting, and lots of deblinging the bike - turning chrome to black, and fitting an array of more subtle aftermarket parts, from a smaller LSL Clubman headlamp to brake reservoirs and clock lowering brackets. The list is endless.

Shin-Yo indicators double-up as tail and brake lights

Love the old-school brown grips and seat
This bike mixes classic subtle lines and a timeleess design with modern chassis parts and decent performance, and I think the end result is stunning, but for Guido the bike is still not quite finished. He thinks the shortened tail leaves the Termis looking too long, so Frescos have been ordered and he'll have those cut-down and fitted, ready for the Spring.
Like any proper shed-build, it'll never be truly finished.