As customs projects, even shed builds - in fact especially shed builds - have become increasingly sophisticated in both appearance and engineering quality the time and therefore overall expense often becomes incongruous with the original donor. Sticking 10 grand on parts and labour into an SR500 still means you'd be selling, or just riding, an SR500. Start with something more exotic, even if not intrinsically so, and somehow the blood, sweat and tears seem more worthwhile. It's all subjective anyway, but some people think Ducati's, MVs, Vincents etc are hallowed and shouldn't be tinkered with.
Thank goodness they're just plain wrong (in my opinion at least) and bikes like this 1974 Ducati 350 Scrambler have been given a new lease of life. Husband & wife team Paul and Linda from November Customs are responsible for this beautiful little bevel and Bike Exif have the full feature and stack more photos over on their website.
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Images by Tony Jacobs
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