Too late, too late will be the cry when the bargain of the year passes you by.
Anyone who's close to the custom bike scene knows all too well that building motorcycles is not a particularly lucrative business. The hours poured into passion projects are rarely remunerated properly and those demonstrating traditional craftsmanship skills to a high standard are often the worst at charging for their enviable talents.
Case in point, this gorgeous Kawasaki Zephyr built by November Customs, in a small shed just north of Newcastle. We tried to get the bike down for our show in May but the stars didn't quite align. Then we saw the feature on Bike Exif - click here - and realised the show visitors had missed out. The fit, finish, overall design and mix of components used appeared better than the average custom build seen these days.
To find out what went where, and why check out the original Exif feature and then watch the video below. Then either find 10 grand, or a friend that has five grand and go halves. As we posted on social channels the other day - bikes half as good as this frequently sell for twice as much. See the advert here.
We're not on commission and it makes no odds to us whether the bike sells or not. In fact we'd rather it didn't as our lounge looks all the better with a splash of colour.
November Customs | Instagram | Images by Tony Jacobs
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