Old Empire Motorcycles have been in hiding somewhat over the last year from the 'mainstream' of custom motorcycle building, concentrating efforts on a fledgling business, English Electric Motor Company. The other reason is that Alec & Rafe have been working with Royal Enfield to help promote the new 650 Interceptor.
And this is the result. The OEM lineage is obvious but the controls less so. The front and rear brakes are linked and actuated by the rear brake's original pedal while the throttle and clutch are controlled by internal barrel mechanisms. Sounds complicated but if you watch the video below OEM's stunt rider Jake manages very decent wheelies indeed.
There's more information and a couple of other Interceptors that are well worth reading about over on Royal Enfield's website.
For more from OEM and to see their extensive portfolio of builds head to Bike Shed Archive | Web | Instagram | Facebook
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