Owning a Pro Custom
By Anthony van Someren - 28 Dec 11

It’s really squat, mean and beautifully detailed. I told Kev that in some of the pictures it gave the impression that it was quite high at the back, but in fact it’s stance is absolute 100% spot on. I’m extremely happy, as the bike actually looks even better with someone sitting on it – which can only be a good thing.
I also just loved the first ride out. Obviously I have not opened her up much yet, but there is definitely more than enough grunt there to keep me very happy and it feels beautifully balanced and just so easy to ride with confidence. And the noise. The noise seals the deal. It’s really gnarly, spitting and guttural – absolutely love it. Sounds way nastier than the MV did, and that was a bit of a monster (with MV Corsa race exhausts etc).”
Having seen the bike in the flesh myself I totally agree that the pics don't quite do it justice, simply because there's so much detail, so much to appreciate, and so many bespoke parts. Even the battery box is a work of art; custom painted and made from carbon, and doubling as a number plate holder - as well as holding a pack of Li Ion batteries. The engine and chassis parts have all had thier share of work too, and even the subtle design touches, like the red frame section, add class. I hope Triumph take note.