S7 Ecosse is now back from Co-Built with it's lovely bespoke exhaust system (see above), but first it had to have lots of routing work done on the electrics by Martin. There are some really neat solutions to the packaging issues that you always get with a build such as this.
The bike is looking really good, the monotone shades of the frame and ancillary parts are complimented well by the gold discs and calipers.
Tim & Kev are finally back at the workbenches after waiting for various parts and powdercoat to get done, and along with their many projects the Spirit 7 (XS750) is coming along nicely with the frame finally playing host to it's engine...
Previously, on the Bike Shed...
The XS750 is all ready and waiting to be built, we’re just waiting for the engine which has taken a bit longer than expected. Tracking down a new set of pistons turned into a bit of a mission and they ended up being tracked down in the US, now we’re just waiting for Phil to do his magic and then we crack on. The frame is back though and it’s great to see it taking shape.
Here's how she will end up...
...and here's where it all started... https://oldbikeshed.wpengine.com/2012/02/05/spirit-7-begins/
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