Steve Bs CB360 1 Steve Baugrud is a rescuer of motorbikes. His day job in Healthcare fills his days with the noble improving of the ill, a trait that transfers to his "shed job" and the miraculous resuscitations of motorbikes he performs there. The three bikes to have so far emerged from his care which have featured on The Bike Shed were bought as near scrap cases for a combined total of four hundred and ten bucks. Three bikes, an xs650, cb200 and a cb360 for $410. If that gives you some idea of the physical condition of the donor bikes you should also know that the stunning xs650 Steve revived from a crusty $150 heap was sold for $5000 through the Bike Shed classifieds and shipped from his native Milwaukee to its lucky owner in New Zealand. Yes indeed this man rescues the fallen. Steve Bs CB360 2 In describing his latest build, this super slick little cb360 Steve declares it "Not as involved as my other two builds featured here but I think it turned out pretty cool though." Pretty cool indeed. Steve picked up the 75' CB locally for his traditionally meagre amount, $200 this time, then set to work. Steve Bs CB360 3 After rebuilding the top end he "blasted the jugs and side covers" (stop sniggering at the back) before giving them a coat of paint. Steve welded on a new rear frame loop and fabricated a small box tucked up beneath the seat for the ballistic battery. Whilst he was at it he upgraded the regulator / rectifier to more modern equipment to protect the new battery and added a new wiring harness done up from scratch. The stock CB360 front wheel reflected the asking price and was bent and rusted beyond repair so Steve swapped it for an earlier CB350 drum brake wheel. The frame wheels and most of the rest were then sent for powder coat. Steve Bs CB360 4 The tank that forms such a perfect straight line with the frame and seat came from a rare CJ360 and was tailored to fit before also receiving the powder coat treatment. As with his previous builds Steve has got the stance and balance of the bike just right, the original clocks compliment the raised headlight and create a more classic face on the brat esque aesthetic. The carburettors were stripped and re-jetted for the cone filters before numerous bits and pieces from the extensive Dime City Cycles catalogue filled in the gaps. Steve Bs CB360 5 "The exhaust was trashed so it now sports a Mac exhaust. The customer wanted the pipe wrap, so I reluctantly agreed to put it on." Ah, the ever controversial pipe wrap. Steve may not like it but I for one like the extra texture it adds to the usual trio of metal, rubber and leather. Hell it is the easiest thing to remove or add depending on your taste anyway so no more debating. Those trips to the powder coat shop, no doubt leafing through the grey and black palette book, have created a monochrome scheme that compliments the natural finishes of all the materials. Steve Bs CB360 6 Steve knocked this little lovely out on the proviso of it being a quick build on a tight budget, but he has given the bike far more than a cosmetic bandaid, with the engine work and attention to detail he has given yet another ailing steed a whole new lease of life. We look forward to seeing his next shed save.