When my mate Gemma from VC London asked if I wanted to go on a girls biking trip to Dorset, I knew it was going to be good. If you’d have asked me to dream up the perfect holiday, I probably would have included some form of motorcycling, friends, food and nice digs. But I wouldn’t have dreamed of the luxury adventure we’ve just had with Superior Motorcycle Experiences in Dorset. Before we arrived, all I knew was that we were going to be riding motorbikes and I had to bring my swimming togs, other than that I had no idea what to expect. So we arrive in Sherborne, and walk into this cottage which is like some 5-star hotel. I mean, it was more than just good, it was off, the, scale. Loads of amazing bedrooms with crisp white sheets, a massive kitchen and lounge, beautiful gardens and... a pool! Yewwwww! So in true VC style, we crack open the wine and jump in like excited teenagers. Next morning, after a night in the most comfy bed I’ve ever slept in, and nursing a slight hangover, we get taken to the garage... Err... wow. Not only is there an entire fleet of brand new Royal Enfield Himalayans, there’s also a whole row of Brough Superiors. I was just looking at the bikes and thinking “seriously? Are they really going to let us loose on these?”. We’re given a pre-ride briefing by our host and guide Emily (if you’ve been to Malle Mile over the last couple of years you might have seen her on her sweet vintage Triumph Tiger Cub). After getting familiar with the bikes (mine had 20 miles on the clock!) we all roll out. Emily has it all planned out for us, she knows all the trails and is an amazing rider, giving us tips along the way. She leads us through a mix of roads and trails and the Himalayan’s cope with it all surprisingly well, they’re a pretty easy bike to handle. The countryside is stunning, Dorset is a beautiful part of the country, and we get treated to some spectacular scenery both from the road and at the top of rutty trails. The sheep mostly ignored us but it was great watching people’s reactions as our gang roared through the picture postcard villages (I swear I saw Miss Marple). We’re met at points along the way by James, (Emily’s brother and the other half of SME), who drives a mean pick-up support truck which is loaded with tea, coffee and some seriously good pastries. He’s also got a whole load of spares so if you drop the bike on a trail and break a gear lever (ahem, yeah sorry about that), he’s there to fix it on the spot. This is off-road riding, but not like I’ve ever known it. After riding all day, we get back to the cottage, do bombs into the pool and drink more wine. Everyone is on form and I proper belly laugh until all the muscles ache and I’m crying, and snot is coming out my nose. Turns out there’s another whole day of this so it’s sleep, ride, repeat. That next evening we go to this really nice pub with food that looked like it belonged on Masterchef. I ate way too much. The final day, we’re allowed out on the Brough Superiors which was just an insane experience. They are beautiful machines and the level of detail and craftsmanship is unreal. I worked out that one probably cost more than all the bikes I’ve ever owned together. I’m just glad I didn’t drop it! So to sum it up, it was easily the best biking holiday I’ve ever had. It had everything - good bikes, amazing hosts, great riding, fab accommodation and laughs with your mates. 10/10. Problem is, I’ve had a taste, and now I’m going to have to go back to green laning on my crap bike with just a muesli bar in my pocket. It’s all good though, I’ve already started saving up to do their Pyrenees adventure... Rachel To find out more about the Brough Superior and the Superior Motorcycle Experiences there are a few options. If you're from far away, watch the video below. And if you're heading to London anytime soon pop into our Shoreditch HQ, we've got one of the fleet here for the winter. Get in touch with James and Emily via Web | Facebook | Instagram
Here's SME's well used Brough, wintering at 384 Old St....