I took a few snaps of the Zed today, partly because I just fitted some new clip-ons, and partly because she got a wash, plus a coating of ACF-50, so within a week she'll be covered in a protective layer of London street-grime, which is great for warding-off corrosion, but will make her look like a dirty old rat bike within a week, so best to get a nice pic or two while I can.

I think I like the scratched-up top yoke even more than the shiny new bits...

I also swapped a few corroded bolts over, fitted some new levers, and messed about with a few other details - but I can;t make her too pretty or I'll need another rain bike!

Here's a snap (below) taken by Damian McFadden (EXIF & UMC snapper) on the day I picked it up from Victory/Untitled MC. It's amazing how a pro snapper can make an old lag riding an old dog look almost cool. Thanks fella!
...You can see the original drop bars, high speedo and low headlight position here... I definitely prefer the new lower stance shown in the latest pics. It's more aggressive, better for turning and there's more room between the grips and the tank.

So, where do I put the ignition key again?
The bike is also now featured on BikeEXIF. Check out the pics by Damian McFadden and the rest of the story at www.bikeexif.com.